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Homework Page
Week 3 -
Read Lynda.com H.O.T – Ch.3 (pg.36 - 77).
Email me your site definition. Name the file by your last name (e.g. bogdan.ste).
Upload an index.html webpage to your Tripod site. The content on the webpage will be the answer to your homework questions.
Page elements should include:
Styled text, i.e. font type , size, color and alignment
External link to relevant site
At least 2 different images
Page background, i.e. picture or color
Page Title
Keyword and Description meta data
Response questions (upload, not email):
What is the difference between a relative and absolute URL? Please give an example of each.
An absolute URL specifies the exact location of a file on the web. An example would be a host, www.lynda.com, and a file location that includes the exact path, /aboutus.html. A relative URL can access the page inside a Web site. A user can link to aboutus.html.
What is the advantage of managing files, i.e. renaming, moving, and deleting files, through Dreamweaver's Files Panel?
By using Dreamweaver's file panel, the software will automatically keep track of files and folders that are moved, renamed, added, or deleted. Basically, everything is automatically done. Otherwise, a user would have to manually repair links by editing the links on each page.
What is the significance of a webpage named index.html?
This is the first page that viewers will be directed to when viewing your webpage.
What DOCTYPE should you be using for your pages?
XHRML 1.0 Transitional DOCTYPE.
Why is <em> and <strong> preferred over <b> and <i>?
<em> and <strong> are preferred over <b> and <i> because they can be modified via the CSS Styles.